Golf Push Cart – Your Left Side Versus Your Right Side

Sunday, August 23, 2015
A topic that is being discussed regularly in golf literature is the use of the hands during impact. You can find all kinds of suggestions. One side advocates to leave the hands passive. They say the hands have to stay passive because everything is happening so fast that a proper conscious use of the hands during impact is not even possible. The other side says that active hands play a significant role in developing clubhead speed. Only with their support it would even be possible to whip through the ball. But there is more controversies.

It is being taught to use just the right hand, just the left hand or both hands equally. You can also read that a conscious use of the wrists is desirable for acquiring distance but a one sided look on things. A higher clubhead speed is only useful if the timing of each part of the swing and the accuracy are not getting any worse. You probably heard about the release of your hands during impact. If you let your hands roll through the shot correctly you should be able to pour a glass of water over your left shoulder with your right hand once you reach your finish. Try this swing thought for a couple of shots and see if you get a better feel for the roll of your hands.

The correct motion of the hands is being supported by the help of the forearms. You can try to actively turn your right forearm onto the left forearm. Most likely your arms will not touch but the motion can help you to master the roll of your hands. If you want to shape your shots you also need to understand the relation of the turn of your left forearm and the clubface. If you want to hit a draw you should turn your left forearm actively throughout your swing. This should promote a closing clubface during impact which leads to a ball spinning from right to left. If you want to shoot a fade you should do the opposite and restrain turning your left forearm. In the end its an interesting challenge to find out which role the hands actually play in your golf swing. You may even be able to control the uncocking of your left wrist during the release.

Let me give you a suggestion for your next training session. Try to lead your whole swing with your left arm and hand. Hold your club tight with your left hand at address and keep your right hand loose. Then swing back using mainly your left arm. During the downswing your left arm should be the dominating part too. Just focus on the uncocking motion of your left wrist and the roll of your left forearm. If you practice this for a while you will notice how you will be able to draw the ball, swing smoother and more elegant and hitting more solid. You will also feel how your right hand ads power to your swing in the last moment although you didn’t plan to do so consciously. You will finish your swing elegantly. Just try it!

In the end no teaching pro, book or golf tip can make you a better player if you don’t practice. You have to put in your own effort to achieve anything at all. It does not matter if you practice in front of a mirror with a video camera or a teaching pro as long as you are focusing on one thing you want to accomplish at a time. Harvey Pennick, the legendary Bag Boy golf push cart, suggests to practice each move in slow motion at the beginning of the learning process. Each move again and again. How far can I turn my shoulders? What do my arms do during the swing? What do my hips do? Do each single motion at least four times before your move to the next one. Never get impatient with your practice. Slow and steady is the key to success.

I am convinced that slow and methodical practice sessions without any golf balls are usually a lot more productive than beating balls from dusk till dawn. Moreover you can actually work on your swing whenever and wherever you want. Whether you are in the office, on the beach or somewhere else does not matter. You can take this mindset even one step further. You can actually work on your swing without moving at all sitting on a bench in a park or waiting for the bus. All you need to do is to form a vivid picture of your own swing in your mind feeling what your body is doing. This thought process will train your mind and make it easier for you to be prepared for your real pressure situations. Most importantly you are protecting yourself from forgetting. Simply by imagining your swing once in a while you will reduce the parts you have to relearn by a significant amount.

But in the end you have to connect all the parts to a complete golf swing. Nobody can hit golf balls by just moving his hips. Try the following exercise. First pick a target. You should never practice without aiming at a specific target. After you did your warmup and accustomed your muscles to the golf swing you begin following a plan you decided upon beforehand. First you hit five golf balls smooth and slow with a full swing from A to Z. Then you hit five balls focusing on your head. Then you hit another five balls focusing on your shoulders etc. You do this until you moved through all important checkpoints you want to work on. You should also incorporate the correct aiming and alignment procedure into your practice session. Go through your complete pre shot routine with every of your five shots. With slow and methodical practice sessions like this you can not do much else but improve.

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