First of all it is okay if you are really busy. Golf should be enjoyed and you shouldn’t feel stressed out because you don’t have the time. I think to enjoy golf with little time comes down to managing your available time. It is nothing revolutionary that you can play less than eighteen holes. If you want to play and have little time at hand don’t be too proud to play only six or nine holes. Most golf courses even feature shorter courses for you to enjoy. Take advantage of that.
Next take a look at where you could save some time. Do you even know where the nearest golf course from your home is? Is it possible to store your equipment in storage at your club? How do you prepare at home for a round of golf push cart reviews? You can safe a lot of time if you plan ahead.
Playing Golf Without Playing Golf
It is no secret that most golfers weekend warrior or not don’t practice enough. Every teaching professional will tell you so. If you don’t have the time to play as often as you want you probably have the time to practice more often. The key is deliberate practice. Beating balls for a couple of minutes won’t help you much and will bore you sooner or later. If you keep practicing and improving throughout the year you will enjoy the times you actually have the time to play much more. So here are some tips how to make your practice sessions effective and fun.
First I recommend you find a teaching professional you like and take some lessons. You don’t have to spend a fortune just take a lesson every couple of weeks to keep you on track. The good thing about this is that you have something to look forward to and that you will probably stay committed because you interact with another person who knows what he’s doing.
Ask your teaching professional for specific things you can do at home until you meet again. With a specific plan in mind you will be surprised how much you can actually improve with even little time at hand. Next I recommend to plan a couple of short practice sessions at home and on the range. Set the time aside and put it into your calendar. Maybe just before you start to work to get you moving in the morning. With this plan you can achieve a lot with just a couple of hours per month. And you will feel like you are playing good golf without actually playing that much.
When You Are In a Hurry
You probably were in the situation yourself a couple of times. Just arriving a couple of minutes before your tee time you rush from the parking lot to the course. What is the best way to prepare for a round that is just five minutes away? I recommend the following. First of all don’t rush it. Calm down and use the time you have. Get to the range and do a couple of stretches. Take two clubs (e.g. a five and a six iron) and swing them like a weighted club to get a feel for the swing. Then hit a couple of shots with your wedges and your driver to loosen up more and get a feel for impact. If you still have some time left putt some 15- to 20-footers before you stroll to the tee.
With this short routine you will know what impact feels like once you arrive there. If it seems to much for you and stresses you out simply focus on the stretches and swinging the two clubs. These two things will do the most good to get your body moving.
Keeping Golf On Your Mind
Take a couple of minutes to follow what your favorite players are doing when you are in break time. If you are into twitter or facebook maybe follow or like them. I think Orlimar golf push cart is a lot more fun when you have someone you root for even if you don’t have the time to play that much yourself. Most of all have fun with the time you put into golf.
A little planning goes a long way when you have little time at hand. Sure you have to put in the extra effort to get the most out of every hour. But maybe you enjoy the game even more this way than people who are spending the entire day on the course.